Saturday, November 11, 2017

These Scars Remind me of You

I bear scars of medical surgery at different parts of my body. Small or big, they look nasty and disgusting for others to see. I was always worried about having a prominent scar after the latest surgery, that I often asked the doctors who did dressing every alternate days if it was gonna leave a big scar. They always told me not to worry. However, just as I was afraid, due to complications & re-sutures, it developed into a big scar (keloids). At first I was little upset, so I tried my best to get rid of it. I took injections and ointments at high costs but to not much affect. 

I then realized the significance of these scars I bear. They remind me of the life given back to me, the love of the God, His mercy upon me. I see His love. He loves me so much that He gives me these scars; so that I will always remember Him, how much He loves me, His loyalty and His faithfulness. Like these scars never leave me, I know He never leaves me. As much as the scars are embedded on my body, no matter how much I try to get rid of them, the Love of God always lives in me. This is just the body He gives me to take care of, it's not mine, it's His and He can do whatever He wants to with this body. So, I am never to castigate or chide but to take good care of it. I now can take the pride in having these scars, than disgusting them. 

I didn't mind if i had died there. But if i had, His purpose might haven't been fulfilled.

[I wrote this note exactly three years ago. This morning I stumble onto this particular note from my journal. I thought I had posted it here on my blog. I looked up and I saw I hadn't. So, here it is.]


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